My name is Danielle, I am a 29 year old Mom of 5 children ranging from 10 years old to 5 months. After the birth of my youngest child I knew I had to do something to get in shape and lose some much needed weight.

At my 6 week postpartum appointment I weighed in at 230lbs. So I decided to start my New Years resolution a month early and began working out in the comfort of my home for 90 minutes to 2 hours a day. Then a dear friend of my introduced my to the HCG weight loss system. I read and did my research and purchased the product with high hopes.

My goal was to get to a healthy weight, BMI and water weight at 50%. Today I am proud to say I have lost 70lbs over the last 13 weeks. Currently weighing in at 160lbs, now I’m working on toning and tightening up my mommy stomach so I’m pushing myself to lose another 10-15lbs.

This system works great if you are determined and stick to it. I’ve had a few bad choices days during vacation and social gatherings. Meal prep and meal planning have allowed me to be successful with this program, along with the support of my husband and encouragement and tips from Roxanne.

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